Hi! It’s our first blog post, so what better place to start than introducing you to our vision, mission and values and your 2013/14 Sabbatical Officers.
After a long and well thought-out strategic review, the University of Lincoln Students’ Union now has a brand new mission, vision and set of values – all of which have been inspired by student expectations and our determination to be the best SU we can be, giving you the best experience possible.
Our vision is to be…
a Students’ Union where every Lincoln student has a great experience and is encouraged and assisted to fulfil their potential both at University and in life.
Our mission is…
to help all students have a successful, enjoyable and memorable time at Lincoln. We will work with our students to be an important part of their social, academic and working life by providing support and representation to all that need it.
Our values in achieving our vision and mission are…
Quality: We will make sure that everything we do is to a high standard. In everything we do, we will always aim to be the best.
Strong: We will be a strong sustainable Union that our members can trust to make their experience at Lincoln the best it can be.
Approachable: We will make sure that every student knows who we are, where we are and what we can do for them at any time of the day.
Nurturing: We will make sure we offer our members opportunities and support so they can grow to be the best they can be while they are at Lincoln and beyond.
Honest: We will always be honest with our members. Everything we tell them will be the truth – you can trust us.
Dynamic: We will always respond and act quickly to any issues that affect our members, on campus, in the local community or nationally.
Visit www.lincolnsu.com to read more.
Some of you will already know the new Sabbs and some of you will get to know them in the coming year. They are here to represent you, working to give you the best student experience during your time with us.
Dan Sam – President
Having acted as VP Activities in the 2012/13 academic year, Dan has a lot of experience working within the Students’ Union. He is passionate about the people he works for and with and has left a great legacy behind from his days in the Sports & Societies office. Now, with a new year ahead of him in his role as President, you can look forward to a great year and Dan can look forward to a really rewarding one. Dan says:
Your time in Lincoln will be affected by the experiences you share with others on a day-to-day basis, not just within the walls of our University but also in the services, activities and support available to you at the Students’ Union. We pride ourselves on having values, attitudes and services which are truly student-led and beneficial for you, which means that you effectively have the final say on the decisions we are making now and also when looking to the future. University is in essence a place to learn but is also a place to develop life experience and make valuable memories.
Contact Dan:
president@lincolnsu.com – 01522 88 6166 – @ULSU_PRES
Ian Antwi, VP Academic Affairs
With a lot of great ideas and a lot of passion, balanced with a sensible head on his shoulders, Ian is here to represent your academic needs, approach or inform on any issues and lobby for positive change in your academic experience. Ian says:
I’m excited to work towards bringing you all a year filled with useful events, employability opportunities and more engaged academic representation.
Contact Ian:
education@lincolnsu.com – 01522 88 6144 – @ulsu_academic
Joe Burt, VP Activities
Your new Vice President Activities takes over the mantle previously held by current President Dan Sam – so, no pressure. Event photographer and the one with the beard, Joe will be planning an exciting year, working alongside the Volunteering department to drive students’ involvement in volunteer work and helping to look after the Students’ Union’s Sport and Societies. It’s all about participation. Joe says:
I’m here to help you get involved in your SU, whether it’s through sports, societies, volunteering or any other events. Pop in and see what we can do for you!
Contact Joe:
activities@lincolnsu.com – 01522 88 6434 – @ULSU_activities
Brian Alcorn, VP Welfare & Community
Involved in a range of Societies, getting involved with charity and the community ‘Irish Brian’ oversees student welfare. If you have any personal, health, housing or other concerns, he’s the one to speak to. Brian’s role is also concerned with community engagement, so he’ll be finding ways to encourage you to get involved in the local community and make a positive difference in our society. Brian says:
I aim to ensure that every voice is heard and respected, whilst strengthening the campus community and reaching out to the wider local community.
Contact Brian:
welfare@lincolnsu.com – 01522 88 6669 – @ulsu_welfare
Contact the Students’ Union directly:
01522 88 6006