The Story So Far…

So, we’ve introduced new Sabbatical Officers (well, Mr Sam is old blood, but you get the picture), seen the emergence of the new Student Voice & Representation Department and shipped the Sabbs off to various training, conferences and networking events. We’ve created a Welcome Week Guide for 2013, which we’re incredibly proud of, grown our Twitter followers and Facebook likes and really made headway getting into position for the new academic year.

What’s more, with a large number of International Students joining us this year, we’ve welcomed them, explained the Students’ Union to them and joined them at their Welcome events and co-run International Student Sports events for them to take part in. And our boy Swanny has been joining them too – he’s a very popular swan!

With a lot of new branding going on at the University of Lincoln Students’ Union, a really exciting change for us is the new vinyl that’s been going up at the front of the Reception.

We’ve got a really exciting year ahead and we can’t wait to introduce our new students, welcome back our existing students and hit the ground running for an exciting 2013/14 academic year!


Follow us on Twitter – @lincolnSU

Like us on Facebook – University of Lincoln Students’ Union

Call us on 01522 86006

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Here’s to 2013/14…

Brian, VP Welfare – The Start of the Whirlwind Adventure

Month one has now been and gone and I’m amazed at how quickly it’s passed! It’s been a bit of a whirlwind adventure and in my first four weeks ‘in office’ I had about 7 days spent actually in the office as I was travelling to a lot of NUS conferences and training events, as well as Students’ Unions elsewhere in England – doing my best to soak up as much information as possible. They were really beneficial, and I trust that they will serve me well throughout this year in how I can support students. Not only was the content of each training event top quality, but the people I met, who either work for NUS or are sabbatical officers elsewhere in the country, had great ideas from their campus, some of which I could readily adopt and personalise for Lincoln – networking was key!

The main things I have been working on this month, in the time I have spent in the office, are the Student Buddy Scheme, Inter-faith Forum, International Friends, Groups, Community Litter Picks, Kids on Kampus, Carholme Community Gala, The Housing Booklet and assisting a number of students with issues they have been facing. So I have been a busy wee bee, but it’s been a really great month and I can’t wait until the students return en masse in September and we can build some momentum! To clarify this list of things, I’ll detail each below:

The Student Buddy Scheme: My predecessor, Andrew Twagira, began this peer-to-peer scheme which provides support for students facing any difficulties, from academic stress, bullying, to loneliness or homesickness – any issue, no matter how small, our Buddies are happy to help. During my handover week I met with Sally and David who train our Buddies and we were able to set the dates for the training. I felt it important that the Buddies were trained and ready to support students by Welcome Week so the training is taking place throughout September. Once the dates were set I met with Jane Kilby, our Volunteer Coordinator at the Volunteering Department to discuss recruitment of Buddies. An advert went up on the Volunteering website and the link was circulated on social media and by email and in next to no time we had secured our team! If you ever feel you may benefit from the scheme, if you feel a bit lost or just want someone to talk to, send a wee email to and someone will be in touch!

Inter-faith Forum: Subash Chellaiah is the University Chaplain and supports people of all faiths, or no faith, in any issues they may be facing. He is a really genuine, down to earth guy and a pleasure to chat to. I have been working with him to expand on the successes of Inter-faith Forum from last year and we hope to put on a number of events throughout the year to facilitate understanding of people from different faiths and discuss and debate the merits of religious belief. Remember, you don’t have to be of a particular faith to take part. Join the Facebook group [] and look out for event updates from September.

International Friends: This is a new initiative I am hoping to launch in time for September, however it may be a bit later in the academic year. The idea is to link international students with families in the city, who would have them over for a family meal, or take them along on a family outing, giving the international student a taste of local culture. Throughout the year group events would take place between all participants, such as trips to the seaside, or traditional music events. It is a tried and tested scheme which has been very successful on the university campus in my hometown and I feel it would be very successful in Lincoln.

Groups: Groups differ to Societies in that members don’t pay a fee and the group has a representational factor, as well as social. I feel that Groups have been largely ineffectual in this representation of the needs of their diverse members and so I plan to restructure the Groups, meeting with members and working with them to improve on the good which they already do. At present we have International Students Group, Disabled Students Group, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender) and Mature Students Group. If you would be interested in any of these groups, regardless of whether you have been a previous member or not, get in touch with me!

Community Litter Picks: My role differs from that of my predecessor in that I have greater focus on community engagement. I really believe in students investing in their local area during their time at university. You may only be here for three years, but you may be here longer – it is a good idea to play your part in the local area. A regular complaint against students from residents across the country, whether founded in truth or not, is that they are messy. In some cases this might be true, in others not so. Regardless, we can show pride in where we live and show our city that students love to volunteer and give something back. As such, we have set three dates for the first semester to take part in litter picks – 2nd October in the Carholme Ward (West End), 16th October in the Park Ward (Sincil Bank area) and 13th November in the Abbey Ward (Monks Rd area). Look out for the Volunteering stall at the Freshers Fayre where you can register your interest to one, or all, of these Community Action Days. I am also hoping to have a community representative for each of these three wards to represent student opinions and student issues at local residents meetings – news on this in time.

Kids on Kampus: This is a new initiative I plan to launch in February, over the school half-term break. It basically involves students leading on interactive workshops for young people of year 7 and 8 age. These workshops could be related to your academic interests, your sports club or society, or anything else you’re interested in. I really want this to be student led, so I’m leaving the options open to suggestions. If you think you could run, alongside others, a session for 2-3 hours throughout the week of half-term break, with a group of perhaps a dozen kids, get in touch with me and offer a suggestion of something you could lead on. These are designed to be very interactive and practical; the kids will be on their school holidays after all!

Carholme Community Gala:  This annual event is aimed at integrating local residents with the student residents in the West End of the city. This year it is being held at the Grandstand Community Centre, just beyond the West Common. Councillor Neil Murray is organising the event and has asked the Students’ Union for some help. The event is set to be bigger than ever before, with a variety of musical entertainment and hopefully some of our sports teams and societies will be on hand to run some demonstrations. Ideas have been bounced around at a big brain storming session we held so I am very excited for what this year will bring! There is a plan to have a minibus to ferry students to and from the Gala so watch this space! The date for the Gala is Sunday 29th September so keep that day free.

Housing Booklet: I have been working on this year’s Housing Horrors campaign, set for the end of October to warn against signing for a house too soon. Year by year students worry that they won’t get a good house and year by year they sign tenancy agreements without considering the consequences. If you sign a legal document you are held by it. Some students decide later in the year that their new friend is no longer suitable as a housemate but struggle to get out of their legally binding tenancy agreement. The moral of the story is – wait until the Housing Fair, when you have a broad range of accredited landlords and agencies to offer suitable accommodation. I am redesigning the housing guide booklet for this campaign and have taken some great ideas from housing booklets I have seen elsewhere at other unions, so hopefully this will be something that students will regularly refer to, throughout their looking, living and leaving processes!

So that is a roundup of my first month and what I have been working on so far. It has been a busy time but a very rewarding and productive time and I am so happy to be in this position, working with and on behalf of our student members! We have a really strong team this year and a really strong Union, so if you haven’t been involved yet, or haven’t been impressed – this is a year to make a change and invest in your Union to improve student experience across campus!

If you ever need help or support, or if you just want to chat, get in touch with me:    01522 886 669           @ulsu_welfare

Enjoy the rest of your summer break and if you are in Lincoln please pop in and say hello!

Dan, President – The SU and his First Month in Office

Woah …. a month has passed and as it stands 11 months remain in my tenure as your Students’ Union President.


Right now you’re probably thinking what does a  Lincoln Students’  Union President do?  What could you possibly be doing with the majority of students on their summer break?


The above questions are absolutely valid, but to summarise my month in three words brings to mind planning, meetings and training.


After being your Activities officer in the 12/13 academic year the notion of change was thrown around and has put perspective to what is a HUGE year for the Union in the 13/14 academic year. The University of Lincoln Students’  Union means so many things to many different people whether being a part of a sports club or society, student rep, staff member, engaged or uncompromising student but stopping there at 33% involvement in sports and societies, 28% voter turnout at our elections and a modest representation system is not enough; widening participation or engagement in our services is vital to the students’ experience in Lincoln.


The ethos of students coming to university is changing; bars and club nights aren’t as popular as they used to be and a greater emphasis on representation in the university or academically is of huge importance. It may be a no-brainer but it puts even greater emphasis on our course rep system and how it works. This is the year we empower the student voice, improve the quality of feedback from lectures and seminars so we can help you shape your learning with you.


You might have noticed, but we’ve had a ‘little’ re-brand, restructured the finance of the activities department, brought finance in-house and hired LOADS of staff to ensure that the Union performs and works towards what you want us to facilitate or run in the next 3 years.


So all the above refers to the past so I guess it’d be good to talk about my plans for the 11 months ahead:

Making our union accessible is the umbrella term I’d use for my term in office. Widening participation not necessarily in Union activity itself but also in the way we engage with students at our Holbeach campus which has predominantly part time or distant learners is something the Union will have to work on over the coming year. The world of Higher Education is changing rapidly and with £9000 fees it’s important that those who aspire to go to university still have the drive to get there. The union needs to engage in the local community making a positive impact in schools and colleges in Holbeach and in the disadvantaged areas of Lincoln. On the topic of being ‘dynamic’, it’s ever so important we engage with our International Students, whether they are in study groups, a 10 week English booster program, undergraduates or postgraduates, they have the same rights as any other and their impact on the face of the University will grow year on year; it’s vital the University of Lincoln Students’ Union is proactive in the coming year.


Overall it has been a fantastic month; I’d like to thank the Union staff for their support and hard work, whilst also giving a shout out to the officers at NUS who have been very supportive at training sessions, particularly around the ‘widening participation’ agenda. I hope to see some of you at your graduation ceremonies and at the graduation ball.




Dan x

Introducing Swanny – Mascot or Fifth Sabb?

So, a new logo, a new brand, a new identity. We’re all very proud of the new logo and are looking forward to seeing it grow as the definitive symbol of your SU. That’s all hyper-professional and serious, so we had to add a dash of fun into things. Introducing Swanny, the six-foot, lovable swan mascot that comes as a result of lots of pestering from Activities Support Worker, Emily, and a love of swans from all our staff.

Swanny has been getting out and about around campus, meeting people, jumping out at SU staff and just generally keeping everyone entertained. On July 12 Swanny met our International Students at their Welcome Event in the Hub, upstairs in the Tower Bar. He had a great time meeting people – putting smiles on people’s faces, getting some great photos and letting people know who he is (well, not letting people know himself – he’s a swan, he can’t talk). Swanny, Ian and Brian really enjoyed meeting the International Students and it was a great opportunity to welcome then to our University.


Swanny and the Internationals
Swanny, Ian and Brian Meet the International Students

Everyone knows the hype surrounding Coke’s new ‘Share a Coke With…’ campaign. With Swanny being such a big hit and deserving a treat, a couple of the team went to Cornhill Square to the Coke Van which was letting people make their own bottles. It turns out that Swanny is not what you’d call a usual name, so we couldn’t get that printed. But the good news is, Swanny got to share a bottle with Lincoln instead. Take all the opportunities you get to get into photos with Swanny – keep your eyes peeled for him around campus.

Swanny and Coca Cola
Swanny Sharing a Coke with Lincoln

Our boy Swanny has had such a big impact and a lot of fun that we might have to make him an honorary Sabbatical Officer. VP Swanning Around, VP Mascot Affairs – something like that. Join us in saying a big welcome to Swanny.

If you see him around campus and get any pictures, or want to talk to or about him, use #Swanny on Twitter and Facebook.

Introducing: Your SU, Your Sabbs

Hi! It’s our first blog post, so what better place to start than introducing you to our vision, mission and values and your 2013/14 Sabbatical Officers.


After a long and well thought-out strategic review, the University of Lincoln Students’ Union now has a brand new mission, vision and set of values – all of which have been inspired by student expectations and our determination to be the best SU we can be, giving you the best experience possible.

Our vision is to be…

a Students’ Union where every Lincoln student has a great experience and is encouraged and assisted to fulfil their potential both at University and in life. 

Our mission is…

to help all students have a successful, enjoyable and memorable time at Lincoln. We will work with our students to be an important part of their social, academic and working life by providing support and representation to all that need it.

Our values in achieving our vision and mission are…

Quality: We will make sure that everything we do is to a high standard.  In everything we do, we will always aim to be the best.

Strong: We will be a strong sustainable Union that our members can trust to make their experience at Lincoln the best it can be.

Approachable: We will make sure that every student knows who we are, where we are and what we can do for them at any time of the day.

Nurturing: We will make sure we offer our members opportunities and support so they can grow to be the best they can be while they are at Lincoln and beyond.

Honest: We will always be honest with our members.  Everything we tell them will be the truth – you can trust us.

Dynamic: We will always respond and act quickly to any issues that affect our members, on campus, in the local community or nationally.


Visit to read more.


Some of you will already know the new Sabbs and some of you will get to know them in the coming year. They are here to represent you, working to give you the best student experience during your time with us.

Sabbs 2013/14
L-R: Brian, Ian, Joe and Dan.

Dan Sam – President

Having acted as VP Activities in the 2012/13 academic year, Dan has a lot of experience working within the Students’ Union. He is passionate about the people he works for and with and has left a great legacy behind from his days in the Sports & Societies office. Now, with a new year ahead of him in his role as President, you can look forward to a great year and Dan can look forward to a really rewarding one. Dan says:


Your time in Lincoln will be affected by the experiences you share with others on a day-to-day basis, not just within the walls of our University but also in the services, activities and support available to you at the Students’ Union. We pride ourselves on having values, attitudes and services which are truly student-led and beneficial for you, which means that you effectively have the final say on the decisions we are making now and also when looking to the future. University is in essence a place to learn but is also a place to develop life experience and make valuable memories.


Contact Dan: – 01522 88 6166 – @ULSU_PRES


Ian Antwi, VP Academic Affairs

With a lot of great ideas and a lot of passion, balanced with a sensible head on his shoulders, Ian is here to represent your academic needs, approach or inform on any issues and lobby for positive change in your academic experience. Ian says:


I’m excited to work towards bringing you all a year filled with useful events, employability opportunities and more engaged academic representation.


Contact Ian: – 01522 88 6144 – @ulsu_academic


Joe Burt, VP Activities

Your new Vice President Activities takes over the mantle previously held by current President Dan Sam – so, no pressure. Event photographer and the one with the beard, Joe will be planning an exciting year, working alongside the Volunteering department to drive students’ involvement in volunteer work and helping to look after the Students’ Union’s Sport and Societies. It’s all about participation. Joe says:


I’m here to help you get involved in your SU, whether it’s through sports, societies, volunteering or any other events. Pop in and see what we can do for you!


Contact Joe: – 01522 88 6434 – @ULSU_activities


Brian Alcorn, VP Welfare & Community

Involved in a range of Societies, getting involved with charity and the community ‘Irish Brian’ oversees student welfare. If you have any personal, health, housing or other concerns, he’s the one to speak to. Brian’s role is also concerned with community engagement, so he’ll be finding ways to encourage you to get involved in the local community and make a positive difference in our society. Brian says:


I aim to ensure that every voice is heard and respected, whilst strengthening the campus community and reaching out to the wider local community. 


Contact Brian: – 01522 88 6669 – @ulsu_welfare


Contact the Students’ Union directly:

01522 88 6006
